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brain storming
Today we came up with ideas on how to get our robot to pick up the mobile goal. We decided on building a sort of bulldozer scoop on the...
new challenge ahead
The new challenge is to move the mobile goal into one of the zones. This is tricky because the goal is a little heavy for the robots and...
Practice makes perfect
Today was dedicated to practicing for the challenge we need to be ready for the challenge so we are practicing as much as we can.
still grinding
We are getting closer and closer to challenge day, so we are practicing our driving so we can perform the best we can challenge day.
long weekend :]
We have a long weekend this week which is lit because we are all tired and an extra day off is always good. We played with the code and...
Speed is key
The next challenge we have to do is 10 cones in 1 minute. That is a lot of cones to pick up in such a short time. So we need to have our...
tuning the robot
Richie has been hard at work on solid works and is finishing the bot, while we have been fine tuning the robot so the arm doesn't sway...
New challenge ahead
The new parts Mr.Martin ordered just came in and we scooped up collars, screws, nuts and axles. We need to fine tune our robot for the...
We caught a dub
We completed the first cone challenge, and we are pretty proud. This robot has been a real pain in the neck.
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